IWL Grant Helps ACLD Donate a Bike
ACLD of Nassau County provides comprehensive services tailored to the needs of adults and children with learning disabilities. The IWL has supported this group since 2008, along with several other special needs organizations. Elisa recently received a special bike to help with balance and general physical conditioning.

Elisa's family wrote this thank you note in Italian:
"Non finiremo mai di ringraziarvi per tutto quella che avete fatto per la nostra piccola Elisa.
E bello sapere che nel mondo ci sono persone come voi concuore grande e generoso. Per sempre vostri riconoscento . . .Grazie!"
"We will never stop thanking you for everything you have done for our little Elisa.
It's nice to know that in the world there are people like you with a big and generous heart. Forever grateful . . .Thank you!"