A Special Stroller Helps with Family Occasions
The IWL purchased this specialized stroller for a Long Island five-year-old with Down Syndrome. "Thank you so much for the stroller....

Buona Pasqua!
As spring awakens us to warmer weather and blooming flowers, the Italian Welfare League remains steadfast in its mission of giving to...

SI Quints Celebrate their 10th Birthday
StartFragmentThese Staten Island quintuplets are celebrating their 10th birthday. The IWL gave the family gift cards for essentials, to...

Mille grazie from a Family served by IWL Grants to Speech Language Pathology in Motion
To the Italian Welfare League: Mille grazie! Thank you so very much for the generous grant for my son, Joseph...I was always proud of my...

Emily Gets Therapy Sessions
Emily has a diagnosis of 22Q11.2 Deletion Syndrome, also known as DiGeorge Syndrome or Velocardiofacial Syndrome. She has receptive and...

Nicole Gets a Specialized Transport Chair
Nicole is a sixteen-year-old with a history of cerebral palsy and a severe seizure disorder. Last year, Nicole underwent a...

IWL Supports Breakthrough Intensive Physical Therapy
One of the organizations supported by the IWL is Breakthrough Intensive Physical Therapy of Islandia, NY. It helps children and young...

Patrick Gets ABA Therapy to Help with Autism
Patrick, a 4-year-old from Huntington, NY, receives an autism therapy called Applied Behavior Analysis, or ABA. The IWL donated towards...

IWL Helps ACLD Kids go to Camp
From one of the organizations we fund, ACLD (Adults and Children with Learning Disabilities) in Bethpage, NY: "I cannot tell you how...

The IWL purchased an adaptive bike for this young boy from Wayne, NJ who has cerebral palsy.
Dominick is a twin who was born prematurely. he is able to enjoy bike riding with a special, adaptive bike. "We just got the bike and are...